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# Author Title Format Pages Release Publisher Genre
1201 Steve Miller, Sharon Lee Certain Symmetry SF
1202 Steve Miller, Sharon Lee Changeling SF
1203 Steve Miller, Sharon Lee Conflict of Honors SF
1204 Steve Miller, Sharon Lee Crystal Dragon Hardcover 336 2006 Meisha Merlin Publishing, Inc. Sci-Fi & Fantasy
1205 Steve Miller, Sharon Lee Crystal Soldier Hardcover 400 2005 Meisha Merlin Publishing, Inc. Sci-Fi & Fantasy
1206 Steve Miller, Sharon Lee Duty Bound SF
1207 Steve Miller, Sharon Lee Fellow Travelers SF
1208 Steve Miller, Sharon Lee Loose Cannon SF
1209 Steve Miller, Sharon Lee Master Walk SF
1210 Steve Miller, Sharon Lee The Naming of Kinzel Fantasy
1211 Steve Miller, Sharon Lee Partners in Necessity SF
1212 Steve Miller, Sharon Lee Pilot’s Choice SF
1213 Steve Miller, Sharon Lee Plan B SF
1214 Steve Miller, Sharon Lee Quiet Knives SF
1215 Steve Miller, Sharon Lee Shadows and Shades SF
1216 Steve Miller, Sharon Lee The Tomorrow Log SF
1217 Steve Miller, Sharon Lee Trading in Futures SF
1218 Steve Miller, Sharon Lee Two Tales of Korval SF
1219 Steve Miller, Sharon Lee With Stars Underfoot SF
1220 Steve Miller Calamity's Child Paperback 54 2006 SRM Publisher Ltd. Sci-Fi & Fantasy
1221 Mirrlees, Hope Lud in the Mist Fantasy
1222 Mitchell New Barbarians SF
1223 Mitchell Procurator SF
1224 Kirk Mitchell Cry Republic SF
1225 Moffitt The Jupiter Theft SF
1226 Anne McCaffrey & Moon Sassinak SF
1227 Elizabeth Moon Against the Odds Hardcover 416 2000 Baen SF
1228 Elizabeth Moon Change of Command Hardcover 312 1999 Baen Books SF
1229 Elizabeth Moon Divided Allegiance Fantasy
1230 Elizabeth Moon Engaging the Enemy Hardcover 416 2006 Del Rey Science Fiction & Fantasy
1231 Elizabeth Moon Hunting Party SF
1232 Elizabeth Moon Liar's Oath Fantasy
1233 Elizabeth Moon Lunar Activity SF
1234 Elizabeth Moon Oath of Gold Fantasy
1235 Elizabeth Moon Once a Hero SF
1236 Elizabeth Moon Phases SF
1237 Elizabeth Moon Rules of Engagement Mass Market Paperback 497 1999 Baen SF
1238 Elizabeth Moon Sheepfarmer's Daughter Fantasy
1239 Elizabeth Moon The Speed of Dark SF/Medical
1240 Elizabeth Moon Sporting Chance SF
1241 Elizabeth Moon Surrender None: The Legacy of Gird Fantasy
1242 Elizabeth Moon Trading in Danger SF
1243 Moore, Alan & O’Neill, Kevin The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen V1 #5 SF/comic
1244 John Moore The Unhandsome Prince Mass Paperback 272 2005 Ace Science Fiction & Fantasy
1245 John Moore Heroics For Beginners Mass Market Paperback 246 2004 Ace Books Sci-Fi & Fantasy
1246 John Moore Slay and Rescue Fantasy
1247 Morressy Kedrigen and the Charming Couple SF
1248 Morressy Kedrigen in Wanderland SF
1249 Morressy The Questing of Kedrigen SF
1250 Morressy A Remembrance for Kedrigen SF
Dan Friml - Professional design Bruji - A Mac's best friend Updated: 01 Apr 2007 | Total number of titles: 2006 | Page: 25 of 41