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# Author Title Format Pages Release Publisher Genre
1101 Fritz Leiber The Big Time SF
1102 Fritz Leiber Gather, Darkness SF
1103 Fritz Leiber The Knight and Knave of Swords Fantasy
1104 Fritz Leiber A Specter is Haunting Texas SF
1105 Fritz Leiber Swords Against Death Fantasy
1106 Fritz Leiber Swords Against Wizardry Fantasy
1107 Fritz Leiber Swords and Deviltry Fantasy
1108 Fritz Leiber You're all Alone Mass Paperback 191 1990 Carroll & Graf Pub SF
1109 Murray Leinster, Eric Flint A Logic Named Joe Mass Paperback 2005 Baen Sci-Fi & Fantasy
1110 Murray Leinster Doctor to the Stars SF
1111 Murray Leinster First Contact the Essential Murray Leinster SF/Collection
1112 Murray Leinster Invaders of Space SF
1113 Murray Leinster The Mutant Weapon SF
1114 Murray Leinster Operation: Outer Space Mass Paperback 160 1957 Signet SF
1115 Murray Leinster The Other Side of Here Mass Paperback 134 Ace SF
1116 Murray Leinster The Pirates of Zan SF
1117 Murray Leinster The Planet Explorer SF
1118 Murray Leinster S.O.S From Three Worlds SF
1119 Murray Leinster Talents Inc. SF
1120 Murray Leinster This World is Taboo SF
1121 Murray Leinster The Time Machine SF
1122 Murray Leinster The Wailing Asteroid SF
1123 Anthony Lewis An Annotated Bibliography of Recursive Science Fiction SF/Fact
1124 Shariann Lewitt Rebel Sutra Mass Market Paperback 408 2001 Tor Science Fiction SF
1125 Lightner The Space Olympics SF
1126 Lindskold, Jane & Zelazny, roger Chronomaster SF
1127 Lisle, Holly Fire in the Mist Fantasy
1128 Holly Lisle, Ted Nolan Hell on High Mass Paperback 306 1997 Baen Fantasy
1129 Holly Lisle, Walter Spence The Devil & Dan Cooley Paperback 256 1996 baen Fantasy
1130 Holly Lisle Courage of Falcons Mass Market Paperback 435 2001 Aspect Fantasy
1131 Holly Lisle Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood SF
1132 Holly Lisle Mind of the Magic Fantasy
1133 Holly Lisle Minerva Wakes Fantasy
1134 Holly Lisle Sympathy for the Devil Fantasy
1135 Lackey & Holly Lisle When the Bough Breaks Fantasy
1136 Llewellyn Fugitive in Transit SF
1137 Llewellyn Salvage and Destroy SF
1138 David Lubar Hidden Talents SF
1139 Lucas Star Wars SF
1140 MacApp Prisoners of the Sky SF
1141 C. C. MacApp Bumsider Mass Paperback 223 1972 Lancer SF
1142 MacAvoy Tea With the Black Dragon SF
1143 MacAvoy The Third Eagle SF
1144 John D. Macdonald The Girl, The Gold Watch & Everything SF
1145 John Macdonald Ballroom of the Skies SF
1146 Anne McCaffrey, Jody Lynn Nye The Ship who Won SF
1147 Anne McCaffrey, Mercedes Lackey The Ship Who Searched SF
1148 Anne Mccaffrey Freedom's Landing Hardcover 342 1995 Putnam Adult Sci-Fi & Fantasy
1149 Anne McCaffrey All the Weyrs of Pern SF
1150 Anne McCaffrey Decision at Doona SF
Dan Friml - Professional design Bruji - A Mac's best friend Updated: 01 Apr 2007 | Total number of titles: 2006 | Page: 23 of 41