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# Author Title Format Pages Release Publisher Genre
1001 Kevin O’Donnell Jr. Cliffs: The Journeys of McGill Feighan IV SF
1002 Kevin O’Donnell Jr. Lava: The Journeys of McGill Feighan III SF
1003 Kevin O’Donnell Jr. Mayflies SF
1004 Kevin O’Donnell Jr. Ora:Cle SF
1005 Kevin O’Donnell Jr. Reefs: The Journeys of McGill Feighan II SF
1006 Kevin O’Donnell Jr. War of Omission SF
1007 L. E. Modesitt Jr. Dawn For a Distant Earth SF
1008 L. E. Modesitt Jr. The Ecolitan Operation SF
1009 L. E. Modesitt Jr. The Ecologic Envoy Mass Market Paperback 288 1986 Tor Science Fiction Science Fiction & Fantasy
1010 L. E. Modesitt Jr. In Endless Twilight SF
1011 L. E. Modesitt Jr. The Magic of Recluce Fantasy
1012 L. E. Modesitt Jr. The Silent Warrior SF
1013 Lloyd Biggle Jr. All the Colors of Darkness SF
1014 Lloyd Biggle Jr. The Light that Never Was SF
1015 Lloyd Biggle Jr. Watchers of the Dark SF
1016 Lloyd Biggle Jr. The World Menders SF
1017 William H. Keith Jr. Bolo Brigade Mass Market Paperback 376 1997 Baen SF
1018 Jurasik, Peter & Keith, William H. Jr. Diplomatic Act SF
1019 Kapp The Chaos Weapon SF
1020 Kapp The Survival Game SF
1021 Kaye The Incredible Umbrella Fantasy
1022 Julie Kenner California Demon: The Secret Life of a Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom Mass Paperback 368 2007 Jove Sci-Fi & Fantasy
1023 Julie Kenner Carpe Demon: Adventures of a Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom Mass Paperback 320 2006 Jove Sci-Fi & Fantasy
1024 J. Gregory Keyes A Calculus of Angels Fantasy
1025 J. Gregory Keyes Empire of Unreason Fantasy
1026 J. Gregory Keyes Newton’s Cannon Fantasy
1027 J. Gregory Keyes The Shadows of God Paperback 320 2001 Del Rey Fantasy
1028 Killough The Monitor, the Miners and the Shree SF
1029 Rudyard Kipling Kipling’s Science Fiction SF
1030 Rosemary Kirstein The Language of Power Paperback 389 2004 Del Rey Sci-Fi & Fantasy
1031 Rosemary Kirstein The Lost Steersman Paperback 419 2003 Del Rey Sci-Fi & Fantasy
1032 Rosemary Kirstein The Outskirter's Secret Mass Paperback 1992 Del Rey Sci-Fi & Fantasy
1033 Rosemary Kirstein The Steerswoman Mass Paperback 1989 Del Rey Sci-Fi & Fantasy
1034 Otis Adelbert Kline The Outlaws of Mars Mass Paperback 158 1961 Ace SF
1035 Otis Adelbert Kline The Swordsman of Mars SF
1036 Knight The Rithian Terror SF
1037 Knight, Damon A Century of Science Fiction Collection/SF
1038 Kondo Robert A. Heinlein Requiem SF/Essay
1039 Kooistra, Jeffery D. Dykstra’s War SF
1040 Koontz The Haunted Earth Fantasy
1041 Koontz Warlock Fantasy
1042 Kotzwinkle E.T. The Extra–Terrestrial SF
1043 Kube-McDowell Alternities SF
1044 Garrett act Kurland A Study in Sorcery Fantasy/Mystery
1045 Garrett act Kurland Ten Little Wizards Fantasy/Mystery
1046 Kurtz, Katherine Two Crowns for America Fantasy
1047 Kurtz The Bishop's Heir Fantasy
1048 Kuttner Robots Have No Tails SF
1049 David A. Kyle Lensman From Rigel Mass Paperback 212 1984 Bantam Books SF
1050 L'Engle A Wrinkle in Time SF
Dan Friml - Professional design Bruji - A Mac's best friend Updated: 01 Apr 2007 | Total number of titles: 2006 | Page: 21 of 41